Fort Ticonderoga Presents Seventh Annual “Material Matters: It’s in the Details” Weekend Seminar November 4-5, 2017

Fort Ticonderoga will host its Seventh Annual “Material Matters: It’s in the Details” seminar on November 4 & 5, 2017. This weekend event focuses on the material culture of the 18th and early 19th centuries and is intended for collectors and people with a general interest in learning more about objects and what they can […]

Fort Ticonderoga Receives Award from Documentary Heritage and Preservation Services for New York

The Fort Ticonderoga Museum has been selected to receive a Preservation Survey through the Documentary Heritage and Preservation Services for New York (DHPSNY) Planning and Assessment Services. The purpose of this Preservation Survey is to review the museum’s preservation needs concerning the environment (temperature, relative humidity, pollution, and light), housekeeping, pest control, fire protection, security, […]